The Groovematist
MEGAWAVE Records MEGW 0232

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International DJ and longstanding producer and musician Mechial White is The Groovematist. His debut CD, Grooveology, is primarily an instrumental mix of many contemporary jazz, ambient rhythm, R&B, and dance-chill influences. With featured artists John E. Lawrence on guitar and Rick Roe on piano, this Michigan native has drawn on his Ann Arbor roots and connections. This set includes a new arrangement of Summer Nights, built on John E. Lawrence's hit of the same title.
For bookings of The Groovematist, please contact us at or call 734-426-8446.
Grooveology: The Album
groove [groov]:
1. a state of mind.
2. a science of movement.
3. a way of life.
4. a natural stimulation of sound.
ology [ol - uh - jee]: the study of any science or branch of knowledge.
All music and lyrics written, arranged, programmed, performed, and produced by
The Groovematist, Mechial E. White, Jr., except where indicated.
Mastered by John Palmer at Andro-Media.
Photography by David Meyer.
Track 1: Grooveology
Ever since I can remember, I've had these grooves in my head. What makes this
track especially significant is that it features my good friends, Rick Roe, soloing on
piano, and John E. Lawrence on guitar. Female voice: Claire S. Taylor.
Track 2: Brooklyn Queen
This track is inspired by my first trip to New York City. From the moment I
entered the cab at the airport, the music began. For the most part, I composed it
during cab and subway rides throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan and Harlem. This
track is graced by John E. Lawrence, on guitar.
Track 3: Passion Storm
This groove describes the storm that happens when two people share passion.
Track 4: Ponder
The song depicts a journey of thought. Ponder that.
Track 5: Remember
This is a reflection of family and friends getting together at a backyard barbeque.
This track also features John E. Lawrence on guitar. Conversation (beginning):
The Groovematist, Damon Jacobs.
Track 6: Endless
This piece describes a timeless commitment of love between two people.
Originally, this groove was composed by Demetrios Michos. He let me play with it.
Back vocals: The Groovematist, André and Lexi Harris.
Track 7: WomanLoverFriend
This is what every man needs. My cousin André Harris co-wrote this groove.
Spanish-speaking female: Lexi Harris. Back vocals: The Groovematist, André and
Lexi Harris, Claire S. Taylor.
Track 8: Dream Pod
The dreampod is a fictional vessel that's propelled through time and space that
transports and delivers dreams to all that have them. Solo guitar by John E.
Lawrence. Back vocals: The Groovematist, Elizabeth Mahaylo.
Track 9: Summer Nights
Originally this groove was composed by John E. Lawrence and he let me play with it.
Solo guitar by John E. Lawrence. Back vocals: The Groovematist.
Track 10: The Waite
If you've ever been apart from someone, there's a melody that forms that may help
you endure the wait.
Thank You's
I would like to thank the Creator of all life, for the gift of hearing music.
I would like to thank my Mother, Sandra, and my Father, Mechial, for their passion
storm. A special thanks to Mom for her example of strength. To my daughter,
Denice: thank you for your presence. You inspire me to be a better man. Love to
all my family that I don't often get to see - you are always in my thoughts.
Thank you Adrian Pittman at Podwerx for my new symbol (The Groovematist logo)
and David Meyer for all of the photography. Thank you to John Palmer and
Megawave Records for getting their groove on with The Groovematist. A special
mention to everyone who played in the groove lab: I appreciate your skills and
contributions. And to everyone else who has ever provoked thought and energy in
me. The list is endless. Peace.
To everyone who feels the groove, the music on this CD has left room
for you to solo your own instrumentation. Get your groove on.

To The Groovematist Bio



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Last updated August 2, 2021.
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